Aero Flex GAISLER GR LEON4 ITX User Manual

Development Board  
Quick Start Guide  
Rev. 0.2, 2010-06-16  
GR-LEON4-ITX Development Board  
Quick Start Guide  
UNPACKING AND SETTING UP THE BOARD...........................................................7  
Unpacking and initial setup..........................................................................................7  
Running the bundled Linux system..............................................................................7  
Booting Linux...............................................................................................................8  
Connecting with the GRMON debug monitor...............................................................8  
Connecting with the included JTAG adapter................................................................9  
Connecting with a Xilinx USB JTAG adapter................................................................9  
Connecting via the USB interface................................................................................9  
Connecting via serial UART.........................................................................................9  
Connecting via Ethernet...............................................................................................9  
Using GRMON...........................................................................................................10  
LINUX SYSTEM USER GUIDE.................................................................................11  
Debian Operating System..........................................................................................11  
Logging in to the system............................................................................................11  
Shutting down the System..........................................................................................12  
Graphical Interface (X Window System)....................................................................12  
Network Interface.......................................................................................................12  
System Time Keeping................................................................................................13  
Changing the Keyboard Layout..................................................................................13  
GRMON AND THE GR-LEON4-ITX BOARD.............................................................14  
First steps..................................................................................................................14  
Running an application...............................................................................................15  
Initializing the DVI transmitter.....................................................................................16  
Drawing images.........................................................................................................17  
Interacting with the SPI boot PROM...........................................................................17  
Interacting with I2C devices.......................................................................................19  
Other interfaces and operations.................................................................................19  
ADVANCED TOPICS..................................................................................................20  
Building the Linux kernel............................................................................................20  
Downloading an image with GRMON.........................................................................21  
Creating a boot PROM...............................................................................................27  
© Aeroflex Gaisler AB  
June 2010, Rev. 0.2  
GR-LEON4-ITX Development Board  
Quick Start Guide  
The performance of the system is less compared to what is advertised for LEON4. .31  
I lost the contents of the USB Flash stick...................................................................31  
How do I restore the original PROM contents?..........................................................31  
GRMON reports a system frequency of 100 MHz, should it not be 200 MHz?...........31  
Software freezes when initializing the Ethernet Interface...........................................31  
I have problem X when using the USB Debug Communication Link..........................31  
The system freezes when using it together with my PCI device.................................31  
I2C communication does not work.............................................................................32  
My USB disk is not detected / does not work.............................................................32  
How do I change the Ethernet Debug Link IP address in the delivered system?.......32  
Additional support......................................................................................................32  
© Aeroflex Gaisler AB  
June 2010, Rev. 0.2  
GR-LEON4-ITX Development Board  
Quick Start Guide  
Table 3-1: System accounts..........................................................................................................12  
Table 4-1: GRMON DVI transmitter initialization...........................................................................16  
Table 5-1: SnapGear template configurations...............................................................................20  
Figure 2-1: GR-LEON4-ITX Development Board.............................................................................7  
Figure 2-2: User JTAG headers.......................................................................................................8  
Figure 2-3: Setting the EDCL IP address.........................................................................................9  
Figure 2-4: GRMON after connect.................................................................................................10  
Figure 5-1: Selecting a SnapGear template configuration..............................................................21  
2010-03-17 All  
New document  
2010-06-16 29, 30, 32 Fixed minor errors and omissions in U-boot image creation. Added  
information on how to change the EDCL IP address used by U-boot.  
© Aeroflex Gaisler AB  
June 2010, Rev. 0.2  
GR-LEON4-ITX Development Board  
Quick Start Guide  
1.1 Overview  
This document is a quick start guide for the GR-LEON4-ITX Development Board.  
The purpose of this document is to get users quickly started using the board. For a complete  
description of the board please refer to the GR-LEON4-ITX Development Board User  
Manual, the LEON4 system-on-chip is described in the LEON4-ASIC-DEMO Data sheet and  
User's Manual. This quick start guide does not contain as much technical details and is  
instead how-to oriented. However, to make the most of the guide the user should have  
glanced through the two aforementioned documents and should ideally also be familiar with  
the GRMON debug monitor.  
The GR-LEON4-ITX data package and this document (including possibly newer revisions)  
are available from the GR-LEON4-ITX product page at  
1.2 References  
LEON4-ASIC-DEMO Data sheet and User's Manual, Aeroflex Gaisler, 2010  
GR-LEON4-ITX Development Board User Manual, Aeroflex Gaisler, 2010  
GRMON User Manual  
SnapGear Linux for LEON  
The referenced documents can be downloaded from or be found on  
the USB Flash stick accompanying the board.  
1.3 Abbreviations  
Application Specific Integrated Circuit.  
Dual In-Line  
Double Data Rate  
Debug Support Unit  
General Purpose Input / Output  
IIC, Inter integrated circuit, a 2 wire bus  
Intellectual Property  
Printed Circuit Board  
Reduced Media Independent Interface  
System On a Chip  
Serial Peripheral Interface  
© Aeroflex Gaisler AB  
June 2010, Rev. 0.2  
GR-LEON4-ITX Development Board  
Quick Start Guide  
2.1 Unpacking and initial setup  
The board is delivered with a power supply, JTAG adapter, USB and Ethernet cables.  
Figure 2-1: GR-LEON4-ITX Development Board  
After unpacking the board, two routes can be taken. Either the preprogrammed Linux system  
can be booted, or you can connect to the board using the GRMON debug monitor. If you  
wish to start the bundled Linux system, please proceed to section 2.2 , to work with the  
board through the GRMON debug monitor skip to section 2.3 .  
2.2 Running the bundled Linux system  
The GR-LEON4-ITX board's SPI boot PROM has been programmed with boot loader that  
loads an image of the Linux kernel into main memory and then boots the kernel. The Linux  
kernel then mounts its root file system, containing initialization scripts and software, from a  
USB Flash stick. The Linux console is available both over the DVI video interface and over  
the serial terminal.  
The Linux kernel mounts the root filesystem from the USB stick included in the delivery.  
Therefore the USB stick must be attached to the board. As previously stated, the Linux  
console is available both over the video interface and over the serial terminal. As the board  
© Aeroflex Gaisler AB  
June 2010, Rev. 0.2  
GR-LEON4-ITX Development Board  
Quick Start Guide  
only provides PIN headers with the receive and transmit lines for the serial terminal it is  
recommended that a monitor, keyboard and mouse is attached to the board. According the  
normal conventions for the PS/2 interface, the top connector (green) is the Mouse interface  
and the bottom connector (purple) is the Keyboard interface. If using a USB keyboard and  
mouse the devices should be connected via a USB hub and the USB memory stick should  
be directly connected to one of the board's USB ports.  
The connected monitor must support DVI-A output, the board can also be connected to a  
monitor using a DVI-to-VGA adapter.  
It is recommended, but not required, to connect the board to a Ethernet network where it can  
receive an IP address via DHCP and access the Internet. This will allow system software to  
automatically set the system date and time. If an Ethernet cable is attached it should be  
connected to the first Ethernet port (the lower port).  
Booting Linux  
The bootloader will start Linux when the power adapter is attached to the board. Please skip  
to section 3 for usage instructions. Section 5.1 contains transcripts of the output that should  
be shown on the monitor during the boot process.  
2.3 Connecting with the GRMON debug monitor  
GRMON is a competent debug monitor that is used to debug GRLIB/LEON systems. The  
GR-LEON4-ITX board has a number of debug interfaces that are all supported by GRMON.  
Note: If you intend to use GRMON to work with the board it is recommended to clear the SPI  
boot PROM as described in section 4.5 .  
The board is delivered with a JTAG adapter that can be used to connect to the board. For a  
description of how to set up the JTAG device, or for other JTAG adapters please see the  
GRMON User's Manual. The documentation and a evaluation version of GRMON is  
available from Unless you will be loading software that will use the  
USB Flash stick, it is recommended to not connect the USB Flash stick to the board.  
Figure 2-2: User JTAG headers  
© Aeroflex Gaisler AB  
June 2010, Rev. 0.2  
GR-LEON4-ITX Development Board  
Quick Start Guide  
Connecting with the included JTAG adapter  
The JTAG adapter shall be connected to the board using the JTAG pin header shown in the  
middle bottom of Figure 2-2. Please ensure that the JTAG cable/adapter is connected with  
the correct polarity, to prevent unintended damage to the board or cable.  
To connect to the board using the JTAG adapter delivered with the board, issue the  
grmon -jtag  
Connecting with a Xilinx USB JTAG adapter  
The JTAG adapter shall be connected to the board using the JTAG pin header, or ribbon  
connector, shown in the middle bottom of Figure 2-2. Please ensure that the JTAG  
cable/adapter is connected with the correct polarity, to prevent unintended damage to the  
board or cable.  
To connect to the board using a Xilinx USB adapter, issue the command:  
grmon -xilusb  
Connecting via the USB interface  
Please see the GRMON User's Manual for how to set up the required USB driver software.  
Then connect to the board using the command:  
grmon -usb  
Connecting via serial UART  
Please refer to the GR-LEON4-ITX Development Board User Manual and the GRMON  
User's Manual for instructions on how to connect via the serial debug interface.  
Connecting via Ethernet  
Before connecting via Ethernet the host computer (the computer running GRMON) must be  
connected to the same network as the GR-LEON4-ITX board. After that the IP address of  
the Ethernet Debug Communication Link (EDCL) must be set up. This address can be set up  
either by PROM software or by using another debug link. After connecting with an alternate  
debug link, issue the command edcl <ip address>. Figure 2-3 below shows a session where  
an IP address is set and the expected output:  
Figure 2-3: Setting the EDCL IP address  
After the EDCL IP address has been set, connect to the target with  
grmon -eth -ip <ip address>  
In the example above, the command would be: grmon -eth -ip  
© Aeroflex Gaisler AB  
June 2010, Rev. 0.2  
GR-LEON4-ITX Development Board  
Quick Start Guide  
Using GRMON  
The GRMON User's Manual describes the capabilities of GRMON. Section 4 of this  
document describes some usage scenarios for GRMON on the GR-LEON4-ITX board.  
Figure 2-4: GRMON after connect  
© Aeroflex Gaisler AB  
June 2010, Rev. 0.2  
GR-LEON4-ITX Development Board  
Quick Start Guide  
3.1 Overview  
When the system is powered on the processor will load the Linux kernel from flash into main  
memory. The kernel will then mount a Debian root file system system from the USB Flash  
The sections below describe the system and the available user interfaces. The reader is  
encouraged to read the full documentation before using the system for the first time.  
3.2 Debian Operating System  
The USB Flash stick contains an installation of Debian 4.0 (Etch). Debian is a well-known  
GNU/Linux distribution which comes with extensive documentation and a large set of  
precompiled applications.  
good starting point for Debian documentation is  
Precompiled applications can easily be added using Debian's package management system.  
To search for an application the command apt-cache can be used. To search for the  
application `less', issue the command:  
apt-cache search less  
The output will show a large amount of packages, in this case the package we searched for  
is simply named less:  
less - Pager program similar to more  
To install this application we now issue (to install applications you must be logged in as the  
apt-get install less  
This will fetch the application from a public repository specified in the file /etc/apt/sources.list,  
which at delivery is specified to a public repository that can be accessed over the Internet.  
More documentation about the package management system is available at the Debian  
website mentioned above.  
3.3 Logging in to the system  
There are three ways of logging in to the system,  
Serial terminal connected to the RS232 port (or GRMON with -u flag)  
Keyboard, mouse and computer screen directly attached the system  
The recommended interface for system interaction is to attach a keyboard, a mouse and a  
computer monitor and use the command line interface. This setup will be no different from  
working with a normal Linux desktop system.  
The serial terminal provides an alternative way of access. To access the system via the  
serial port the terminal emulator should be configured for 38400 8N1. The system boot  
messages will be displayed on the frame buffer device. The serial terminal will display a login  
prompt when the system has completed its boot process.  
The system has two accounts for login:  
© Aeroflex Gaisler AB  
June 2010, Rev. 0.2  
GR-LEON4-ITX Development Board  
Quick Start Guide  
Normal user account.  
Super-user account. Should only be used for system administration.  
Table 3-1: System accounts  
3.4 Shutting down the System  
To protect the integrity of the file system, the system software should be properly shut down  
before powering down the board. The correctly shut down the system, issue the command:  
shutdown -h now  
This command must be issued as the super-user (root). After the system has reported that is  
going down for system halt there will be no more output on the serial terminal. The system  
will report Halt on the frame buffer console when it is safe to power-off the board. If an  
external screen is not connected, it can be assumed safe to power-off the system 90  
seconds after the The system is going down for system halt NOW! message has been  
displayed on the serial terminal.  
3.5 Graphical Interface (X Window System)  
The X window system graphical interface can be started from the command line by using the  
command startx. This will launch a session using the BlackBox window manager, right-click  
on the mouse will bring up the menu.  
Other window managers can be started by editing the .xsession file in the home directory  
(for the user account, /home/user/.xsession). If the file is changed to exec fvwm2, startx will  
launch an X session using the FVWM window manager (  
The graphical interface has a menu option to shut down the system, but this is not supported  
by the hardware. Instead, X should be exited back to the shell before the system is shut  
The X window system may show some instabilities, particularly when exiting the graphical  
interface. If this leads to the system being inaccessible from the keyboard and mouse it is  
typically still possible to connect to the system via another interface, such as the serial  
terminal or network.  
3.6 Network Interface  
The network interface is configured during system start-up with the information contained in  
the file /etc/network/interfaces. The default content of this file is:  
# The loopback network interface  
auto lo  
iface lo inet loopback  
# The primary network interface  
auto eth0  
iface eth0 inet dhcp  
To assign a static IP address the file contents could be changed to, for instance:  
# The loopback network interface  
auto lo  
iface lo inet loopback  
# The primary network interface  
© Aeroflex Gaisler AB  
June 2010, Rev. 0.2  
GR-LEON4-ITX Development Board  
Quick Start Guide  
auto eth0  
iface eth0 inet static  
It is recommended that the system is attached to a network which allows access to the  
3.7 System Time Keeping  
System software that is currently delivered with the board does have support for reading out  
the board's real time clock and is therefore not able to keep the system time after the system  
has been shut down. To avoid problems, such as irregularities caused by file time stamps  
being in the future, it is strongly recommended that the system time is set at each boot. If the  
system is connected to a network this can be automated by configuring the software to set  
the time from a Network Time Protocol (NTP) server.  
The delivered system is configured to set the time from the NTP server  
Another NTP server can be selected by editing the file /etc/default/ntpdate.  
If the board cannot be connected to a network with an NTP server, the time can be set  
manually with the commands:  
date --set 2008-10-10  
date --set 14:00:00  
The commands must be run as the super-user (root) and this must be done each time the  
system has been restarted, unless the system has access to an NTP server.  
3.8 Changing the Keyboard Layout  
The system is configured to use a keyboard with a US American layout. If a keyboard with  
another layout is to be used the keymap should be changed. For the console keyboard  
layout issue the command below as the super-user (root):  
dpkg-reconfigure console-data  
In the package configuration, choose Select keymap from full list. The keymap that should  
be chosen is likely prefixed with “pc /. The system is delivered with the setting:  
pc / qwerty / US american / Standard / Standard  
The keymap for the graphical X Window system will also need to be changed if a keyboard  
with a non-american layout is connected. This can be done by editing the /etc/X11/xorg.conf  
file and modifying the line:  
To the layout choice corresponding to the new keyboard, for example by exchanging “us” to  
© Aeroflex Gaisler AB  
June 2010, Rev. 0.2  
GR-LEON4-ITX Development Board  
Quick Start Guide  
4.1 First steps  
The subsections below assume that GRMON, the host computer and the GR-LEON4-ITX  
board have been set up so that GRMON can connect to the board. The transcripts with  
courier font below are from a shell session invoking the command line version of GRMON.  
The same commands can be used when the debugger is used with a GUI.  
grmon -eth -ip  
 GRMON LEON debug monitor v1.1.39 professional version  
 Copyright (C) 2004-2008 Aeroflex Gaisler - all rights reserved.  
 Comments or bug-reports to [email protected]  
 ethernet startup. Found AHB 1 to AHB 0 bridge  
 Device ID: : 0x102  
 GRLIB build version: 3508  
 initialising ......................................  
 detected frequency: 100 MHz  
 Component                            Vendor  
 LEON4 SPARC V8 Processor             Gaisler Research  
 LEON4 SPARC V8 Processor             Gaisler Research  
 SVGA Controller                      Gaisler Research  
 AHB-to-AHB Bridge                    Gaisler Research  
 AHB Debug UART                       Gaisler Research  
 AHB Debug JTAG TAP                   Gaisler Research  
 GR Ethernet MAC                      Gaisler Research  
 GR Ethernet MAC                      Gaisler Research  
 USB EHCI controller                  Gaisler Research  
 USB UHCI controller                  Gaisler Research  
 GR USB 2.0 Device Controller         Gaisler Research  
 USB Debug Comm. Link                 Gaisler Research  
 Gaisler CAN with DMA                 Gaisler Research  
 Fast 32-bit PCI Bridge               Gaisler Research  
 PCI/AHB DMA controller               Gaisler Research  
 AHB-to-AHB Bridge                    Gaisler Research  
 LEON4 Debug Support Unit             Gaisler Research  
 DDR2 Controller                      Gaisler Research  
 AHB/APB Bridge                       Gaisler Research  
 SPI Memory Controller                Gaisler Research  
 AHB/APB Bridge                       Gaisler Research  
 AHB/APB Bridge                       Gaisler Research  
 Multi-processor Interrupt Ctrl       Gaisler Research  
 Generic APB UART                     Gaisler Research  
 Generic APB UART                     Gaisler Research  
 Modular Timer Unit                   Gaisler Research  
 PS/2 interface                       Gaisler Research  
 PS/2 interface                       Gaisler Research  
 I2C slave                            Gaisler Research  
 AMBA Wrapper for OC I2C-master       Gaisler Research  
 AMBA Wrapper for OC I2C-master       Gaisler Research  
 AMBA Wrapper for OC I2C-master       Gaisler Research  
 SPI Controller                       Gaisler Research  
 General purpose I/O port             Gaisler Research  
 General purpose I/O port             Gaisler Research  
 AHB status register                  Gaisler Research  
 PCI Arbiter                          European Space Agency  
 PCI trace buffer                     Gaisler Research  
 Use command 'info sys' to print a detailed report of attached cores  
At this point GRMON has successfully connected to the system. In this case we used the  
© Aeroflex Gaisler AB  
June 2010, Rev. 0.2  
GR-LEON4-ITX Development Board  
Quick Start Guide  
Ethernet Debug Communications Link (EDCL). However any of the other debug links would  
be fine. The first listing shows all cores available in the design. Giving the command info sys  
prints a detailed report of the system. The output is too long to include here, however as a  
sample with some most of the output cut out:  
grlib> info sys  
00.01:048   Gaisler Research  LEON4 SPARC V8 Processor (ver 0x0)  
             ahb master 0  
… some output removed...  
02.01:01d   Gaisler Research  GR Ethernet MAC (ver 0x0)  
             ahb master 2, irq 12  
             apb: c0100100 – c0100200  
             edcl ip, buffer 2 kbyte  
… some output removed...  
01.01:02e   Gaisler Research  DDR2 Controller (ver 0x0)  
             ahb: 40000000 – 80000000  
             ahb: ffe00100 – ffe00200  
             32-bit DDR2 : 1 * 256 Mbyte @ 0x40000000  
                          200 MHz, col 10, ref 7.8 us, trfc 135 ns  
… some output removed...  
The above shows a sample of the cores connected. In the sample we can see that the EDCL  
IP address has been set and that the EDCL has 2 kbyte hardware buffer, we can also see  
that GRMON has identified, and configured the DDR2 controller to use, 256 MiB of DDR2  
SDRAM memory.  
4.2 Running an application  
In this example we will compile and run an application of our own. The procedure for  
downloading other applications is the same as shown below.  
In order to cross-compile a stand-alone C application the host computer must have the BCC  
toolchain installed. The toolchain can be downloaded from and is  
also included on the USB Flash stick (software/toolchains/BCC).  
Below is a transcript of a terminal with comments inserted:  
Show contents of file hello.c:  
user@host:~$ cat hello.c  
#include <stdio.h>  
int main(void)  
   printf("Hello world\n");  
   return 0;  
Compile and link application, place resulting machine code in file hello:  
user@host:~$ sparc-elf-gcc -Wall hello.c -o hello  
Connect with GRMON and load the application. Note that the flag -u is given to GRMON.  
This flag places the first UART in debug mode which means that GRMON will echo the  
characters written to the UART and the user does not need to attach a dedicated serial  
terminal to the board. Without -u switch, no output would come from the program. Please  
see the GRMON User's Manual for more information.  
jan@jan:~$ grmon -eth -ip -u  
© Aeroflex Gaisler AB  
June 2010, Rev. 0.2  
GR-LEON4-ITX Development Board  
Quick Start Guide  
 GRMON LEON debug monitor v1.1.39 professional version  
… output removed ….  
 Use command 'info sys' to print a detailed report of attached cores  
Download application to RAM:  
grlib> load hello  
section: .text at 0x40000000, size 39584 bytes  
section: .data at 0x40009aa0, size 2764 bytes  
total size: 42348 bytes (70.4 Mbit/s)  
read 201 symbols  
entry point: 0x40000000  
Run the application that was just downloaded:  
grlib> run  
Hello world  
Program exited normally.  
After this the application can be downloaded and run again. Please also try commands such  
as inst or hist after running an application and refer to the GRMON User's Manual for their  
4.3 Initializing the DVI transmitter  
The DVI transmitter on the board must be initialized before it can pass video data from the  
LEON4-ASIC-DEMO device to a monitor. There are several GRMON commands tailored for  
initializing the DVI transmitter with values suitable for the GR-LEON4-ITX board.  
i2c 3 dvi init l4itx_dvi  
Initialize the DVI transmitter for IDF 2 input data (16-bit color depth) and  
monitor connected via digital DVI.  
i2c 3 dvi init l4itx_vga  
i2c 3 dvi init l4itx_dvi 0  
i2c 3 dvi init l4itx_vga 0  
Initialize the DVI transmitter for IDF 2 input data (16-bit color depth) and  
monitor connected via analog interface (or DVI-to-VGA adapter).  
Initialize the DVI transmitter for IDF 0 input data (24-bit color depth) and  
monitor connected via digital DVI.  
Initialize the DVI transmitter for IDF 0 input data (24-bit color depth) and  
monitor connected via analog interface (or DVI-to-VGA adapter).  
Table 4-1: GRMON DVI transmitter initialization  
The transcript below shows the GRMON output:  
grlib> i2c 3 dvi init_l4itx_dvi  
 Transmitter was not set to Chrontel CH7301C (AS=0), changing..  
 DVI transmitter set to Chrontel CH7301C (AS=0)  
 Initializing CH7301 for LEON/GRLIB design..  
 Initialization done..  
After initializing the transmitter, the command i2c 3 dvi showreg will show the values of the  
DVI transmitter's registers.  
© Aeroflex Gaisler AB  
June 2010, Rev. 0.2  
GR-LEON4-ITX Development Board  
Quick Start Guide  
4.4 Drawing images  
GRMON has support for drawing both test screens and images in PPM ASCII format. The  
transcript below show commands that draw the built-in test screen in different modes. Note  
that the DVI transmitter must be initialized for the correct bit depth.  
grlib> i2c 3 dvi init_l4itx_dvi  
 Transmitter was not set to Chrontel CH7301C (AS=0), changing..  
 DVI transmitter set to Chrontel CH7301C (AS=0)  
 Initializing CH7301 for LEON/GRLIB design..  
 Initialization done..  
grlib> svga formats  
 Available SVGACTRL display formats:  
Format Resolution, refresh rate  
       ------ ------------------------  
640x480, 60 Hz  
640x480, 72 Hz  
640x480, 75 Hz  
640x480, 85 Hz  
800x600, 56 Hz  
800x600, 60 Hz  
800x600, 72 Hz  
800x600, 75 Hz  
800x600, 85 Hz  
1024x768, 60 Hz  
1024x768, 70 Hz  
1024x768, 75 Hz  
1024x768, 80 Hz  
Custom format (undefined)  
grlib> svga draw test_screen 2 16  
 Drawing picture = test_screen, Depth = 16 bits, Format = 640x480, 60 Hz  
 Framebuffer memory pos = 0x40200000  
grlib> svga draw test_screen 8 16  
 Drawing picture = test_screen, Depth = 16 bits, Format = 800x600, 60 Hz  
 Framebuffer memory pos = 0x40200000  
grlib> svga draw test_screen 12 16  
 Drawing picture = test_screen, Depth = 16 bits, Format = 1024x768, 60 Hz  
 Framebuffer memory pos = 0x40200000  
grlib> i2c 3 dvi init_l4itx_dvi 0  
 Initializing CH7301 for LEON/GRLIB design..  
 Initialization done..  
grlib> svga draw test_screen 8 32  
 Drawing picture = test_screen, Depth = 32 bits, Format = 800x600, 60 Hz  
 Framebuffer memory pos = 0x40200000  
The test screen consists of a framed white cross on black background.  
4.5 Interacting with the SPI boot PROM  
GRMON provides support for interacting with SPI memory devices via its SPI Flash layer.  
SPI memory devices can be controlled both over SPICTRL and SPIMCTRL cores. In the  
examples below we will use the SPI memory controller core (SPIMCTRL) since it is attached  
© Aeroflex Gaisler AB  
June 2010, Rev. 0.2  
GR-LEON4-ITX Development Board  
Quick Start Guide  
to the SPI boot PROM on the GR-LEON4-ITX board. The first step in communicating with  
the SPI memory device is to allow the SPI Flash layer to detect the device:  
grlib> spim flash detect  
 Got manufacturer ID 0x20 and Device ID 0x2017  
 No device match for READ ID instruction, trying RES instruction..  
 Found matching device: ST/Numonyx M25P64  
Since the SPIMCTRL core maps the memory device into AMBA address space we can read  
the memory device using GRMON's mem command:  
grlib> mem 0  
        0  ffffffff  ffffffff  ffffffff  ffffffff    ................  
       10  ffffffff  ffffffff  ffffffff  ffffffff    ................  
       20  ffffffff  ffffffff  ffffffff  ffffffff    ................  
       30  ffffffff  ffffffff  ffffffff  ffffffff    ................  
In the read out above the device is empty. We can now try to load a file to the device. First  
we give a shell command that lists the contents of the small S-REC file we will use for this  
example (do not issue the shell cat command on large or non-text files)  
grlib> shell cat ~/tests/test_seq4-small  
… and so on. We can now download this file to the memory device:  
grlib> spim flash load ~/tests/test_seq4-small  
section:  at 0x0, size 256 bytes  
entry point: 0x0  
After downloading the file we can see that the contents has been written to the flash device:  
grlib> mem 0  
        0  00000000  04040404  08080808  0c0c0c0c    ................  
       10  10101010  14141414  18181818  1c1c1c1c    ................  
       20  20202020  24242424  28282828  2c2c2c2c        $$$$((((,,,,  
       30  30303030  34343434  38383838  3c3c3c3c    000044448888<<<<  
GRMON also has support for dumping the contents of the memory device into a S-REC file,  
see the GRMON User's Manual for details.  
Finally, we can erase the device, this should always be done before attempting to load data  
into the memory. Erasing is quite slow and will take a little over sixty seconds:  
grlib> spim flash erase  
grlib> mem 0 4  
        0  ffffffff  ffffffff  ffffffff  ffffffff    ................  
When the device is erased, all bits will be set to '1'.  
© Aeroflex Gaisler AB  
June 2010, Rev. 0.2  
GR-LEON4-ITX Development Board  
Quick Start Guide  
4.6 Interacting with I2C devices  
The LEON4 ASIC device provides three I2C interfaces, two master interfaces (I2CM0 &  
I2CM1) and one slave interface (I2CS).  
As a demonstration I2C circuit, an on-board DS1672 Real-Time Clock circuit is connected on  
the board to the I2CM0 interface of the ASIC.  
The I2CM1 and I2CS interfaces of the ASIC are connected to 4 pin 0.1” headers on the  
board, to allow an external circuit to be hooked-up. If required, 10kOhm pull-up resistors on  
the SCL and SDA signals can be installed if the appropriate jumpers JP9 and JP10 are  
One way to interact with multiple I2C devices on the board is to connect one of the I2C  
masters to the I2C slave. This can be done by attaching J18:1 to J17:1 and J18:3 to J17:3.  
Pull-ups also need to be enabled (JP9:1-2,3-4 or JP10:1-2,3-4).  
The following GRMON command will initialize the slave:  
grlib> wmem 0xc0000600 0x50  
grlib> wmem 0xc0000604 0x07  
grlib> wmem 0xc0000614 0x99  
The meaning of these write operations can be found by reading the I2C slave manual. The  
connections made above connected I2CM1 to the slave. GRMON enumerates I2CM1 as I2C  
core 2. To read data from the slave, issue:  
grlib> i2c 2 read 0x50  
Another way to interact with devices over I2C is to communicate with the DS1672 real time  
clock (RTC). The RTC is connected to the bus if I2C M0, this master is enumerated as I2C  
core 1 by GRMON. To detect any (7-bit addressable) devices on a bus the following  
command can be used:  
grlib> i2c 1 scan  
Scanning 7-bit address space on I2C bus:  
 Detected I2C device at address 0x68  
Scan of I2C bus completed. 1 device found  
The registers of the device can be read with:  
grlib> i2c 1 read 0x68 0 5  
The device can be written with:  
grlib> i2c 1 write 0x68 0 0xab  
grlib> i2c 1 read 0x68 0 5  
Please see the GRMON User's Manual and the DS1672 data sheet for further details.  
4.7 Other interfaces and operations  
Please see the GRMON User's Manual for a description of the other debug drivers and  
capabilities provided by GRMON.  
© Aeroflex Gaisler AB  
June 2010, Rev. 0.2  
GR-LEON4-ITX Development Board  
Quick Start Guide  
5.1 Building the Linux kernel  
Aeroflex Gaisler provides a Linux distribution named SnapGear Linux. A release of  
SnapGear Linux has been included on the first partition of the USB stick delivered with the  
board (software/Linux contains the distribution and software/toolchains/Linux contains the  
toolchain). SnapGear Linux can also be downloaded from  
To be able to easily create a Linux configuration to run on the GR-LEON4-ITX board,  
SnapGear Linux includes three template configurations that can be selected to quickly  
compile a new Linux configuration:  
Configuration name  
Main console is DVI video. Mounts root filesystem from second partition on  
USB Flash stick.  
No video support, main console is serial terminal. Mounts root filesystem  
from second partition on USB Flash stick.  
No video support, main console is serial terminal. Root filesystem is a  
memory image containing a Busybox system, does not mount USB Flash  
Table 5-1: SnapGear template configurations  
To be able to easily create a Linux configuration to run on the GR-LEON4-ITX board,  
SnapGear Linux includes three template configurations that can be selected to quickly  
compile a new Linux configuration.  
First extract the SnapGear distribution:  
jan@jan:~/Linux$ tar jxf snapgear-2.6-p41.tar.bz2  
Enter the SnapGear directory and issue the command make xconfig. In the menu system  
click Template Configurations and select the wanted configuration in the new window, also  
check the box below the selection, as shown in Figure 5-1.  
After the selection has been made, click the Main Menu button and in the remaining window  
click Save and Exit.  
The configuration of the SnapGear system and Linux kernel have now been updated to  
predefined values. The system can now be compiled by issuing make at the system prompt.  
The updated configuration can also be tailored as for normal SnapGear configurations. For  
further information on SnapGear please see the SnapGear Linux for LEON manual.  
© Aeroflex Gaisler AB  
June 2010, Rev. 0.2  
GR-LEON4-ITX Development Board  
Quick Start Guide  
Figure 5-1: Selecting a SnapGear template configuration  
Downloading an image with GRMON  
After the new image has been compiled it can be downloaded to the board using GRMON.  
In the transcript below we connect to the board using the EDCL, the flag -nb must be given  
to GRMON in order to not break on page faults, the -u flag is also given in order to see the  
serial console in GRMON:  
jan@jan:~/Linux/snapgear-2.6-p41$ grmon -eth -ip -nb -u  
 GRMON LEON debug monitor v1.1.39 professional version  
 Copyright (C) 2004-2008 Aeroflex Gaisler - all rights reserved.  
 Comments or bug-reports to [email protected]  
 ethernet startup. Found AHB 1 to AHB 0 bridge  
 Device ID: : 0x102  
 GRLIB build version: 3508  
 initialising ......................................  
 detected frequency: 100 MHz  
 Component                            Vendor  
 LEON4 SPARC V8 Processor             Gaisler Research  
 LEON4 SPARC V8 Processor             Gaisler Research  
…if the Linux image will use video output we need to initialize the DVI transmitter:  
grlib> i2c 3 dvi init_l4itx_dvi  
 Transmitter was not set to Chrontel CH7301C (AS=0), changing..  
 DVI transmitter set to Chrontel CH7301C (AS=0)  
 Initializing CH7301 for LEON/GRLIB design..  
 Initialization done..  
© Aeroflex Gaisler AB  
June 2010, Rev. 0.2  
GR-LEON4-ITX Development Board  
Quick Start Guide  
After this we can load the Linux image:  
grlib> load images/image.dsu  
section: .stage2 at 0x40000000, size 10240 bytes  
section: .vmlinux at 0x40004000, size 2782144 bytes  
total size: 2792384 bytes (79.0 Mbit/s)  
read 6260 symbols  
entry point: 0x40000000  
grlib> run  
Booting Linux  
Booting Linux...  
pkbase: 0xfc800000 pkend: 0xfcc00000 fixstart 0xfcfe4000  
Debian GNU/Linux 4.0 gr-leon4-itx ttyS0  
gr-leon4-itx login:  
The above transcript loaded an image built from the the gr_l4itx_video configuration. In that  
case the boot messages are passed to the graphical console. The Linux boot takes some  
time and you may need to wait a minute before reaching the login prompt on the serial  
console. The video output will show the boot messages as the system starts up.  
If we instead load an image built from the gr_l4itx_serial configuration, all output will be  
directed to the serial console:  
grlib> load images/image.dsu  
section: .stage2 at 0x40000000, size 10240 bytes  
section: .vmlinux at 0x40004000, size 2642880 bytes  
total size: 2653120 bytes (79.1 Mbit/s)  
read 6159 symbols  
entry point: 0x40000000  
grlib> run  
Booting Linux  
Booting Linux...  
PROMLIB: Sun Boot Prom Version 0 Revision 0  
Linux version (jan@jan) (gcc version 3.4.4) #17 SMP Tue Mar 16 15:28:21 CET  
TYPE: Leon2/3 System-on-a-Chip  
Ethernet address: 0:0:0:0:0:0  
CACHE: 2-way associative cache, set size 4k  
Boot time fixup v1.6. 4/Mar/98 Jakub Jelinek ([email protected]). Patching kernel  
for srmmu[Leon2]/iommu  
64MB HIGHMEM available.  
Nocache: 0xfc000000-0xfc400000, 1024 pages [128-1280]  
node 2: /cpu00 (type:cpu) (props:.node device_type mid mmu-nctx clock-frequency  
uart1_baud uart2_baud )  
node 3: /a: (type:serial) (props:.node device_type name )  
node 4: /ambapp0 (type:ambapp) (props:.node device_type name )  
node 5: /cpu01 (type:cpu) (props:.node device_type mid clock-frequency )  
PROM: Built device tree from rootnode 1 with 1813 bytes of memory.  
DEBUG: psr.impl = 0xf fsr.vers = 0x7  
Built 1 zonelists. Total pages: 64338  
Kernel command line: console=ttyS0,38400 root=8:2 rootdelay=10 init=/sbin/init  
PID hash table entries: 1024 (order: 10, 4096 bytes)  
Todo: init master_l10_counter  
Attaching grlib apbuart serial drivers (clk:100hz):  
Console: colour dummy device 80x25  
Dentry cache hash table entries: 32768 (order: 5, 131072 bytes)  
Inode-cache hash table entries: 16384 (order: 4, 65536 bytes)  
pkbase: 0xfc800000 pkend: 0xfcc00000 fixstart 0xfcfe4000  
© Aeroflex Gaisler AB  
June 2010, Rev. 0.2  
GR-LEON4-ITX Development Board  
Quick Start Guide  
Memory: 252864k/262144k available (2120k kernel code, 9116k reserved, 292k data,  
160k init, 65536k highmem)  
Mount-cache hash table entries: 512  
Entering SMP Mode...  
0:(2:2) cpus mpirq at 0xc0800110  
Starting CPU 1 : (irqmp: 0xc0800110)  
DEBUG: psr.impl = 0xf fsr.vers = 0x7  
Started CPU 1  
Brought up 2 CPUs  
Total of 2 processors activated (399.76 BogoMIPS).  
NET: Registered protocol family 16  
Found GRPCI controller - ahb mem,io: 0x80000000, 0xfff20000 - apb 0xc0100800 - irq:  
Assigning PCI BARs.  
SCSI subsystem initialized  
usbcore: registered new interface driver usbfs  
usbcore: registered new interface driver hub  
usbcore: registered new device driver usb  
NET: Registered protocol family 2  
IP route cache hash table entries: 2048 (order: 1, 8192 bytes)  
TCP established hash table entries: 8192 (order: 4, 98304 bytes)  
TCP bind hash table entries: 8192 (order: 4, 65536 bytes)  
TCP: Hash tables configured (established 8192 bind 8192)  
TCP reno registered  
leon: power management initialized  
highmem bounce pool size: 64 pages  
Installing knfsd (copyright (C) 1996 [email protected]).  
io scheduler noop registered  
io scheduler cfq registered (default)  
grlib apbuart: 2 serial driver(s) at [0xc0000100(irq 2),0xc0000200(irq 3)]  
grlib apbuart: system frequency: 100000 khz, baud rates: 38400 38400  
ttyS0 at MMIO 0xc0000100 (irq = 2) is a Leon  
Testing fifo size for UART port 0: got 8 bytes.  
ttyS1 at MMIO 0xc0000200 (irq = 3) is a Leon  
Testing fifo size for UART port 1: got 8 bytes.  
RAMDISK driver initialized: 16 RAM disks of 4096K size 1024 blocksize  
loop: loaded (max 8 devices)  
Probing GRETH Ethernet Core at 0xc0100100  
Detected National Semiconductor DP83848  
Revision 0  
10/100 GRETH Ethermac at [0xc0100100] irq 12. Running 100 Mbps full duplex  
Probing GRETH Ethernet Core at 0xc0100200  
Detected National Semiconductor DP83848 Revision 0  
10/100 GRETH Ethermac at [0xc0100200] irq 13. Running 100 Mbps full duplex  
usbmon: debugfs is not available  
grusbhc-ehci grusbhc-ehci.0: Gaisler Research EHCI Host Controller  
grusbhc-ehci grusbhc-ehci.0: new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 1  
grusbhc-ehci grusbhc-ehci.0: irq 6, io base 0xc0100300  
grusbhc-ehci grusbhc-ehci.0: USB 2.0 started, EHCI 1.00, driver 10 Dec 2004  
usb usb1: configuration #1 chosen from 1 choice  
hub 1-0:1.0: USB hub found  
hub 1-0:1.0: 2 ports detected  
USB Universal Host Controller Interface driver v3.0  
grusbhc-uhci grusbhc-uhci.0: Gaisler Research UHCI Host Controller  
grusbhc-uhci grusbhc-uhci.0: new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 2  
grusbhc-uhci grusbhc-uhci.0: irq 7, io base 0xfff00200  
usb usb2: configuration #1 chosen from 1 choice  
hub 2-0:1.0: USB hub found  
hub 2-0:1.0: 2 ports detected  
Initializing USB Mass Storage driver...  
usb 1-2: new high speed USB device using grusbhc-ehci and address 2  
usb 1-2: configuration #1 chosen from 1 choice  
scsi0 : SCSI emulation for USB Mass Storage devices  
usbcore: registered new interface driver usb-storage  
© Aeroflex Gaisler AB  
June 2010, Rev. 0.2  
GR-LEON4-ITX Development Board  
Quick Start Guide  
USB Mass Storage support registered.  
usbcore: registered new interface driver usbhid  
drivers/usb/input/hid-core.c: v2.6:USB HID core driver  
i2c /dev entries driver  
TCP cubic registered  
NET: Registered protocol family 1  
NET: Registered protocol family 17  
drivers/rtc/hctosys.c: unable to open rtc device (rtc0)  
Waiting 10sec before mounting root device...  
scsi 0:0:0:0: Direct-Access  
Kingston DataTraveler G2 PMAP PQ: 0 ANSI: 0 CCS  
SCSI device sda: 15679488 512-byte hdwr sectors (8028 MB)  
sda: Write Protect is off  
sda: assuming drive cache: write through  
SCSI device sda: 15679488 512-byte hdwr sectors (8028 MB)  
sda: Write Protect is off  
sda: assuming drive cache: write through  
sda: sda1 sda2  
sd 0:0:0:0: Attached scsi removable disk sda  
sd 0:0:0:0: Attached scsi generic sg0 type 0  
kjournald starting. Commit interval 5 seconds  
EXT3-fs: mounted filesystem with ordered data mode.  
VFS: Mounted root (ext3 filesystem) readonly.  
Freeing unused kernel memory: 160k freed  
INIT: version 2.86 booting  
Activating swap...done.  
EXT3 FS on sda2, internal journal  
Setting the system clock..  
Cannot access the Hardware Clock via any known method.  
Use the --debug option to see the details of our search for an access method.  
Cleaning up ifupdown....  
Loading device-mapper support.  
Checking file systems...fsck 1.40-WIP (14-Nov-2006)  
Setting kernel variables...done.  
Mounting local filesystems...done.  
Activating swapfile swap...done.  
Setting up networking....  
Configuring network interfaces...Internet Systems Consortium DHCP Client V3.0.4  
Copyright 2004-2006 Internet Systems Consortium.  
All rights reserved.  
Listening on LPF/eth0/00:00:7a:cc:43:12  
Sending on LPF/eth0/00:00:7a:cc:43:12  
Sending on Socket/fallback  
DHCPREQUEST on eth0 to port 67  
DHCPACK from  
bound to -- renewal in 299105 seconds.  
INIT: Entering runlevel: 2  
Starting system log daemon: syslogd.  
Starting kernel log daemon: klogd.  
Starting system message bus: dbus.  
Starting mouse interface server: gpm/etc/rc2.d/S20gpm: line 65: /dev/input/mice: No  
such device  
/etc/rc2.d/S20gpm: line 65: /dev/input/mice: No such device  
/etc/rc2.d/S20gpm: line 65: /dev/input/mice: No such device  
* Not starting internet superserver: no services enabled.  
Starting periodic command scheduler: crond.  
Debian GNU/Linux 4.0 gr-leon4-itx ttyS0  
gr-leon4-itx login: user  
© Aeroflex Gaisler AB  
June 2010, Rev. 0.2  
GR-LEON4-ITX Development Board  
Quick Start Guide  
Last login: Thu Jan 1 01:03:40 1970 on ttyS0  
Linux gr-leon4-itx #17 SMP Tue Mar 16 15:28:21 CET 2010 sparc  
The programs included with the Debian GNU/Linux system are free software;  
the exact distribution terms for each program are described in the  
individual files in /usr/share/doc/*/copyright.  
Debian GNU/Linux comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY, to the extent  
permitted by applicable law.  
user@gr-leon4-itx:~$ echo "Linux input via GRMON"  
Linux input via GRMON  
Finally, we load the gr_l4itx_busybox configuration:  
grlib> run  
Booting Linux  
Booting Linux...  
PROMLIB: Sun Boot Prom Version 0 Revision 0  
Linux version (jan@jan) (gcc version 3.4.4) #18 SMP Tue Mar 16 15:36:57 CET  
TYPE: Leon2/3 System-on-a-Chip  
Ethernet address: 0:0:0:0:0:0  
CACHE: 2-way associative cache, set size 4k  
Boot time fixup v1.6. 4/Mar/98 Jakub Jelinek ([email protected]). Patching kernel  
for srmmu[Leon2]/iommu  
64MB HIGHMEM available.  
Nocache: 0xfc000000-0xfc400000, 1024 pages [128-1280]  
node 2: /cpu00 (type:cpu) (props:.node device_type mid mmu-nctx clock-frequency  
uart1_baud uart2_baud )  
node 3: /a: (type:serial) (props:.node device_type name )  
node 4: /ambapp0 (type:ambapp) (props:.node device_type name )  
node 5: /cpu01 (type:cpu) (props:.node device_type mid clock-frequency )  
PROM: Built device tree from rootnode 1 with 1813 bytes of memory.  
DEBUG: psr.impl = 0xf fsr.vers = 0x7  
Built 1 zonelists. Total pages: 63934  
Kernel command line: console=ttyS0,38400 root=8:2 rootdelay=10 rdinit=/sbin/init  
PID hash table entries: 1024 (order: 10, 4096 bytes)  
Todo: init master_l10_counter  
Attaching grlib apbuart serial drivers (clk:100hz):  
Console: colour dummy device 80x25  
Dentry cache hash table entries: 32768 (order: 5, 131072 bytes)  
Inode-cache hash table entries: 16384 (order: 4, 65536 bytes)  
pkbase: 0xfc800000 pkend: 0xfcc00000 fixstart 0xfcfe4000  
Memory: 251328k/262144k available (2120k kernel code, 10728k reserved, 292k data,  
1776k init, 65536k highmem)  
Mount-cache hash table entries: 512  
Entering SMP Mode...  
0:(2:2) cpus mpirq at 0xc0800110  
Starting CPU 1 : (irqmp: 0xc0800110)  
DEBUG: psr.impl = 0xf fsr.vers = 0x7  
Started CPU 1  
Brought up 2 CPUs  
Total of 2 processors activated (399.36 BogoMIPS).  
NET: Registered protocol family 16  
Found GRPCI controller - ahb mem,io: 0x80000000, 0xfff20000 - apb 0xc0100800 - irq:  
Assigning PCI BARs.  
SCSI subsystem initialized  
usbcore: registered new interface driver usbfs  
usbcore: registered new interface driver hub  
usbcore: registered new device driver usb  
NET: Registered protocol family 2  
© Aeroflex Gaisler AB  
June 2010, Rev. 0.2  
GR-LEON4-ITX Development Board  
Quick Start Guide  
IP route cache hash table entries: 2048 (order: 1, 8192 bytes)  
TCP established hash table entries: 8192 (order: 4, 98304 bytes)  
TCP bind hash table entries: 8192 (order: 4, 65536 bytes)  
TCP: Hash tables configured (established 8192 bind 8192)  
TCP reno registered  
leon: power management initialized  
highmem bounce pool size: 64 pages  
Installing knfsd (copyright (C) 1996 [email protected]).  
io scheduler noop registered  
io scheduler cfq registered (default)  
grlib apbuart: 2 serial driver(s) at [0xc0000100(irq 2),0xc0000200(irq 3)]  
grlib apbuart: system frequency: 100000 khz, baud rates: 38400 38400  
ttyS0 at MMIO 0xc0000100 (irq = 2) is a Leon  
Testing fifo size for UART port 0: got 8 bytes.  
ttyS1 at MMIO 0xc0000200 (irq = 3) is a Leon  
Testing fifo size for UART port 1: got 8 bytes.  
RAMDISK driver initialized: 16 RAM disks of 4096K size 1024 blocksize  
loop: loaded (max 8 devices)  
Probing GRETH Ethernet Core at 0xc0100100  
Detected National Semiconductor DP83848 Revision 0  
10/100 GRETH Ethermac at [0xc0100100] irq 12. Running 100 Mbps full duplex  
Probing GRETH Ethernet Core at 0xc0100200  
Detected National Semiconductor DP83848 Revision 0  
10/100 GRETH Ethermac at [0xc0100200] irq 13. Running 100 Mbps full duplex  
usbmon: debugfs is not available  
grusbhc-ehci grusbhc-ehci.0: Gaisler Research EHCI Host Controller  
grusbhc-ehci grusbhc-ehci.0: new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 1  
grusbhc-ehci grusbhc-ehci.0: irq 6, io base 0xc0100300  
grusbhc-ehci grusbhc-ehci.0: USB 2.0 started, EHCI 1.00, driver 10 Dec 2004  
usb usb1: configuration #1 chosen from 1 choice  
hub 1-0:1.0: USB hub found  
hub 1-0:1.0: 2 ports detected  
USB Universal Host Controller Interface driver v3.0  
grusbhc-uhci grusbhc-uhci.0: Gaisler Research UHCI Host Controller  
grusbhc-uhci grusbhc-uhci.0: new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 2  
grusbhc-uhci grusbhc-uhci.0: irq 7, io base 0xfff00200  
usb usb2: configuration #1 chosen from 1 choice  
hub 2-0:1.0: USB hub found  
hub 2-0:1.0: 2 ports detected  
Initializing USB Mass Storage driver...  
usbcore: registered new interface driver usb-storage  
USB Mass Storage support registered.  
usbcore: registered new interface driver usbhid  
drivers/usb/input/hid-core.c: v2.6:USB HID core driver  
i2c /dev entries driver  
TCP cubic registered  
NET: Registered protocol family 1  
NET: Registered protocol family 17  
drivers/rtc/hctosys.c: unable to open rtc device (rtc0)  
Freeing unused kernel memory: 1776k freed  
init started: BusyBox v1.8.2 (2010-03-16 15:33:25 CET)  
starting pid 22, tty '': '/etc/init.d/rcS'  
starting pid 33, tty '': '/bin/sh'  
/ # echo "hello world"  
hello world  
/ # ls  
/ #  
linuxrc proc  
mnt sbin  
Note that the last configuration does not mount the root filesystem from the USB stick.  
© Aeroflex Gaisler AB  
June 2010, Rev. 0.2  
GR-LEON4-ITX Development Board  
Quick Start Guide  
5.2 Creating a boot PROM  
Creating a boot PROM allows the system to boot software after power-up without the need  
to connect with GRMON. There are several boot loaders available for LEON/GRLIB  
systems. This document contains descriptions on how to use two of them, MKPROM2 and  
U-boot, with the GR-LEON4-ITX board.  
Note: MKPROM2 does not support creating PROM images of SMP Linux images. To create  
a bootable Linux image with MKPROM2 disable SMP support in the kernel configuration.  
Please see the MKPROM2 documentation for a general description of the application. This  
sections deals with specifics of the GR-LEON4-ITX board. The MKPROM2 package is  
included on the USB Flash stick in the directory software/bootloaders/mkprom2.  
MKPROM2 does not include support for initializing the DVI transmitter. In order to do this  
MKPROM can be instructed to include software provided by the user. The data package  
included with the board contains the file gr-l4itx-pack/mkprom2/bdinit.c that contains code for  
initializing the DVI transmitter via I2C. To compile bdinit.c so that it can be included in the  
boot ROM issue the command:  
sparc-elf-gcc -Wall -c -g -O2 bdinit.c  
Add the switch -DBPP24 if you will use 24-bit color and add -DDVI if you want to use digital  
DVI output (to autodetect the type of screen connected via I2C and select the correct  
initialisation parameters is left as an exercise for the reader). The command line options for  
MKPROM2 to be used with the GR-LEON4-ITX are:  
mkprom2 -v -freq 100 -stack 0x4ffffff0 -pnp 0xffeff800 -ddr2spa_cfg1 0x96a08616  
-ddr2spa_cfg3 0x13650000 -ddr2spa_cfg4 0x0000017f -gpt 0xc0000300 -irqmp 0xc0800100  
-uart 0xc0000100 -dsustart 0xd0000000 -dsutrace -bdinit -nomsg  
However, at the time of writing MKPROM2 contains some hard coded values for addresses  
in the system that makes it unsuitable for creating boot ROMs for the GR-LEON4-ITX board.  
A workaround is to skip much of the built-in initialization provided by MKPROM and instead  
perform the initialisation with the bdinit(..) calls. The file gr-l4itx-pack/mkprom2/bdinit2.c  
contains initialisation code for the DDR2 memory controller, APBUART and timer unit.  
In order to build a boot ROM for a system that will use video output, first compile bdinit2.c:  
jan@jan:~/Linux$ sparc-elf-gcc -Wall -c -g -O2 -DDVI -o bdinit.o bdinit2.c  
After this we can create an image using the SnapGear Linux kernel as input:  
jan@jan:~/Linux$ /opt/mkprom2/mkprom2 -v -freq 100 -stack 0x4ffffff0 -pnp 0xffeff800  
-irqmp 0xc0800100 -dsustart 0xd0000000 -dsutrace -bdinit -nomsg snapgear-2.6-  
LEON2/3/ERC32 MKPROM prom builder for BCC, ECOS, RTEMS and ThreadX v2.0.25  
Copyright Gaisler Research 2004-2007, all rights reserved.  
phead0: type: 1, off: 65536, vaddr: 40000000, paddr: 40000000, fsize: 2674944,  
msize: 2833212  
phead1: type: 6474e551, off: 0, vaddr: 0, paddr: 0, fsize: 0, msize: 0  
section: .stage2 at 0x40000000, size 10240 bytes  
Uncoded stream length: 10240 bytes  
Coded stream length: 3374 bytes  
© Aeroflex Gaisler AB  
June 2010, Rev. 0.2  
GR-LEON4-ITX Development Board  
Quick Start Guide  
Compression Ratio: 3.035  
section: .vmlinux at 0x40004000, size 2658560 bytes  
Uncoded stream length: 2658560 bytes  
Coded stream length: 1562710 bytes  
Compression Ratio: 1.701  
creating LEON3 boot prom: prom.out  
Searching for compiler to use (sparc-elf, sparc-rtems or sparc-linux):  
sparc-elf-gcc (GCC) 3.4.4  
Copyright (C) 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc.  
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO  
/opt/mkprom2/prominit_leon3.o /opt/mkprom2/prombdinit.o  
dump.s bdinit.o  
The SPI Flash memory device can now be programmed with the PROM contents in the  
prom.out file generated by MKPROM2 (it is recommended to use the Ethernet debug link  
when programming the flash), start GRMON and issue the following commands:  
grlib> spim flash detect  
Got manufacturer ID 0x20 and Device ID 0x2017  
No device match for READ ID instruction, trying RES instruction..  
Found matching device: ST/Numonyx M25P64  
grlib> spim flash load prom.out  
section: .text at 0x0, size 1575824 bytes  
section: .data at 0x180b90, size 32 bytes  
total size: 1575856 bytes (119.3 kbit/s)  
read 131 symbols  
entry point: 0x00000000  
The flash contents can now also be verified, either by spim flash verify prom.out or by the  
faster verify prom.out:  
grlib> verify prom.out  
section: .text at 0x0, size 1575824 bytes  
section: .data at 0x180b90, size 32 bytes  
total size: 1575856 bytes (12.0 Mbit/s)  
entry point: 0x00000000  
The PROM has now been successfully programmed. The software located in PROM can  
now be booted by power cycling the board or by pushing the reset button.  
U-Boot (Das Universal Boot loader) is boot loader for embedded systems developed by and a port exists for SPARC/LEON. The LEON U-Boot can boot  
RTEMS, VxWorks and Linux 2.6. Building the u-boot boot loader can be done with the  
sparc-elf-gcc (BCC) crosscompiler.  
The GR-LEON4-ITX data package contains a pre-built U-Boot image with a configuration  
suitable for the board. The image is available in different formats in the directory gr-l4itx-  
© Aeroflex Gaisler AB  
June 2010, Rev. 0.2  
GR-LEON4-ITX Development Board  
Quick Start Guide  
pack/u-boot/prebuilt this directory also contains a pre-built version of the mkimage tool. The  
source for U-boot is on the USB Flash stick in the directory software/bootloaders/u-boot. To  
re-build u-boot, enter the U-boot source directory and issue the command make  
gr_leon4_itx_config followed by make.  
To load the image onto the board, issue the following commands:  
grlib> spim flash detect  
Got manufacturer ID 0x20 and Device ID 0x2017  
No device match for READ ID instruction, trying RES instruction..  
Found matching device: ST/Numonyx M25P64  
grlib> spim flash erase  
grlib> spim flash load u-boot  
section: .text at 0x0, size 208150 bytes  
section: .u_boot_cmd at 0x32d18, size 1272 bytes  
section: .data at 0x33210, size 34816 bytes  
section: .got at 0x3ba10, size 4688 bytes  
total size: 248926 bytes (116.9 kbit/s)  
read 736 symbols  
entry point: 0x00000000  
grlib> verify u-boot  
section: .text at 0x0, size 208150 bytes  
section: .u_boot_cmd at 0x32d18, size 1272 bytes  
section: .data at 0x33210, size 34816 bytes  
section: .got at 0x3ba10, size 4688 bytes  
total size: 248926 bytes (10.6 Mbit/s)  
entry point: 0x00000000  
Next we need to build a Linux kernel image that U-boot can handle. U-Boot needs a header  
to know how to interpret the binary images. The images support compression and CRC  
verifying. To create an image, the mkimage tool must be in the system path. The Linux  
kernel has a prepared build target for generating u-boot images (uImage):  
jan@jan:~/Linux/snapgear-2.6-p41$ cd linux-  
jan@jan:~/Linux/snapgear-2.6-p41/linux-$ make ARCH=sparc \  
CROSS_COMPILE=sparc-linux- uImage  
… removed output ...  
sparc-linux-ld -Tdata 0x00040000 -r -b binary arch/sparc/boot/uImage -o  
Image arch/sparc/boot/uImage is ready  
In order to interact with the pre-built version of U-boot the board must be connected to a  
monitor and a USB keyboard. The uImage created above should be placed in the root of a  
TFTP sever and a Ethernet cable should be connected to the GR-LEON4-ITX board's  
second (top) Ethernet port.  
After the necessary preparations have been made reset the board and press a key on the  
USB keyboard to stop the U-boot boot process. When presented with the U-boot prompt  
issue the following commands (see the U-boot documentation for more commands and the  
meaning of the commands below):  
=> setenv severip <ip address of tftp server>  
=> saveenv  
=> run getkernel  
© Aeroflex Gaisler AB  
June 2010, Rev. 0.2  
GR-LEON4-ITX Development Board  
Quick Start Guide  
=> sf probe  
=> sf erase 400000 200000  
=> sf write 40200000 400000 $(filesize)  
To see information about the downloaded image issue the command:  
=> iminfo  
It is also possible to update the u-boot image using GRMON. First interact with U-boot and  
issue the commands:  
=> sf probe 0  
=> sf erase 400000 200000  
Then the Linux image can be built with:  
make ARCH=sparc CROSS_COMPILE=sparc-linux- UIMAGE_FLASHADDR=0x00400000 uImage  
and loaded in GRMON via (note the .o suffix):  
grmon> spim flash load arch/sparc/boot/uImage.o  
© Aeroflex Gaisler AB  
June 2010, Rev. 0.2  
GR-LEON4-ITX Development Board  
Quick Start Guide  
6.1 General  
The performance of the system is less compared to what is advertised for LEON4  
The advertised LEON4 performance figures typically come from systems that include a  
Level-2 cache core. The GR-LEON4-ITX board and LEON4-ASIC-DEMO device were  
constructed using a pre-release version of the LEON4 processor and the L2 cache core was  
not available at this time. If you need to benchmark a system with a Level-2 cache, please  
contact Aeroflex Gaisler.  
I lost the contents of the USB Flash stick  
Contact Aeroflex Gaisler for a possible download of the original stick contents, or a  
replacement stick.  
How do I restore the original PROM contents?  
A copy of the original PROM contents is available in the GR-LEON4-ITX data package under  
the directory gr-l4itx-pack/prom. The file l4itx_prom.srec can be written to the SPI boot  
PROM using the GRMON commands: spim flash detect, spim flash erase, spim flash load  
GRMON reports a system frequency of 100 MHz, should it not be 200 MHz?  
The bus with most of the peripherals (AHB bus 1) runs at 100 MHz and the bus with the  
LEON4 processors (AHB bus 0) runs at 200 MHz. GRMON connects bus 1 and also finds  
the timer unit there, therefore GRMON reports the system frequency as 100 MHz, the  
processor cores still run at 200 MHz.  
6.2 Interfaces  
Software freezes when initializing the Ethernet Interface  
Software that relies on the MDIO interrupt for Ethernet PHY initialization may time out when  
bringing up the Ethernet interface. This is an issue with some version of the Linux kernel  
included in the SnapGear GNU/Linux distribution provided by Aeroflex Gaisler. A general  
quick fix is to attach a network cable to each Ethernet port that is being initialized. The long  
term fix is to contact the software vendor and ask for an update.  
I have problem X when using the USB Debug Communication Link  
The USB Debug Communication Link has a bug that leads to repeated accesses. This is a  
problem when accessing register interfaces that are FIFOs, that is the interfaces are  
affected by being read or written more than once with the same value. Therefore the USB  
Debug communication link must not be used when interacting with a UART (for instance  
when using the -u flag to GRMON) or using the SPIMCTRL or SPICTRL cores.  
Also, jumper J10 17-18 (GPIO 43) must be installed at power-on for the USB DCL interface  
to work.  
The system freezes when using it together with my PCI device  
The GRPCI core's PCI target interface included in the design has a bug that causes it to  
perform bursts of infinite length if a PCI master performs a burst of eight or more words.  
© Aeroflex Gaisler AB  
June 2010, Rev. 0.2  
GR-LEON4-ITX Development Board  
Quick Start Guide  
There is no known workaround for this issue and the LEON4-ASIC-DEMO device cannot be  
used in a system where it will be accessed by a master performing bursts over eight words in  
I2C communication does not work  
Please make sure that the bus has pull-ups (see the GR-LEON4-ITX Board User Manual for  
how to enable pull-ups).  
My USB disk is not detected / does not work  
The board may not be able to provide enough power for drives connected via USB. Try  
connecting the device via a USB hub that has a power source.  
How do I change the Ethernet Debug Link IP address in the delivered system?  
The system is delivered pre-programmed with the bootloader U-boot. After system reset, U-  
boot will initialize the system, which includes setting the Ethernet Debug Communication  
Link's (EDCL) IP address. The address used by U-boot can be changed by attaching a USB  
keyboard and pressing any key during the first seconds of system boot. U-boot will then  
interrupt the boot process and show a prompt.  
The IP address that U-boot will assign to the EDCL is stored in the variable greth_edcl_ip0.  
To show the systems variables, issue the command:  
=> printenv  
To change the EDCL IP address to, issue the command:  
=> setenv greth_edcl_ip0  
To preserve the value after system reset the variable needs to be saved to SPI flash, this is  
done with the command:  
=> saveenv  
It is also possible to change the EDCL IP address via GRMON, using the edcl command.  
However, this will not affect the address used by U-boot after system reset.  
6.3 Additional support  
For customers with a support contract, or for issues where the board or device seem faulty,  
please contact [email protected].  
© Aeroflex Gaisler AB  
June 2010, Rev. 0.2  

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